Company owners who may take their work personally are oftened cautioned, "You are not what you do."
I agree with the above-stated, but through entirely different reasoning.
In business, it is not what you do that defines you, but rather what your competition doesn't do that should define you.
In a never-ending struggle to get (and stay) noticed, separate yourself from other companies by doing something that is unique not to your company, but to the marketplace itself.
Explore fringe products and services and try offering something that has not yet been offered. The recipe is simple enough: Dare to be different and customer attention will follow in waves.
A scenario:
With the marketplace as crowded as it is, another pool company or dentist advertising through direct mail must try something drastic to get the jaded customer to change his or her routine or service provider.
Offering an enticing discount on the scrubbing of pool decking or teeth has been done before. Coupons -- done. Free gift -- done.
Instead, explore what copywriters Gary Blake and Robert Bly call the "Ah Ha" moment, where you present them with something innovative or educational. Don't just tell customers that you are different than the others, show them.
In boxing, success stems from beating your opponent to the punch. In marketing, the same holds true.